Q: What is Thrill and Joy?
A: Thrill and Joy is a work on Mathematical Thinking, Data Structures and Algorithms.
Thrill and Joy has:
(a) Many interesting puzzles whose solutions give us the idea of how to think and how not to.
(b) Many data structures concepts and problems for Arrays, Matrices, Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, Trees and Graphs.
(c) Many algorithms which form the fundamental learning of Algorithmics and their implementation in the C language.
Q: What inspired Thrill and Joy?
A: The factors which inspired Thrill and Joy are:
(a) It is very difficult to find satisfying solutions to some of the most interesting and thought provoking puzzles.
(b) The data structures concepts and problems form the main topic of interview questions for most big companies.
(c) The algorithms are the bridge between Mathematics and Computer Science and they are the most logical way of solving Computer Science problems.
Q: Why Thrill and Joy?
A: There are many books, tutorials, websites, and journals on the aforementioned topics. Then why Thrill and Joy? We study various subjects in our schools and colleges and when it comes to applying this knowledge in real life problems we fail. So to understand the practical applications of these topics and to use them timely and efficiently in many problems we need to change our traditional methodology of learning. This gives birth to a special and unique way of Mathematical learning called Thrill and Joy.
We believe in the shloka:
Na chora haaryam, na cha raaja haaryam,
Na bhraathr bhaajyam, na cha bhaarakaari.
Vyaye krthe vardhhatha eva nithyam,
Vidyaa dhanam sarva dhanapradhaanam.
which means:
Cannot thieves steal, cannot even king usurp,
Cannot siblings covet, not even heavy to carry.
As is spent, keeps on increasing continually,
The wealth of Vidyaa (knowledge) is the supreme wealth.
Thinking is more interesting than knowing but sharing is still more interesting than thinking.....
Q: Who are all responsible for Thrill and Joy?
A: The main mathematical minds responsible for Thrill and Joy are Pramod G, Pradeep S Bhat, Sameer A M and Jackson Menezes
Q: How do I benefit from Thrill and Joy?
A: The main benefit from Thrill and Joy is Thrill and Joy. You can experience heavenly and eternal happiness. This acts as a panacea for many of the mental illnesses like tension, stress, pressure, worries etc. Finally you can enjoy supreme bliss and feel the feeling Life is Beautiful.
The other benefits from Thrill and Joy are as follows:
(a) The puzzles provided here give a lot of brain exercise which helps to improve your thinking ability and thinking process.
(b) The thorough study of data structures concepts and problems makes it easy to understand, analyze and approach a new problem asked mainly in interviews.
(c) The know-how of algorithms make us comfortable to solve many research problems in Computer Science and in Mathematics.
Q: How can I contribute to Thrill and Joy?
A: If you think the answers and/or solutions given in the website are insufficient, incomplete or not satisfactory, you can post your opinions, suggestions, advices, constructive criticisms, alternative answers and/or solutions etc to the email address thrillandjoy@gmail.com. We shall appreciate your interest and if your ideas are better, we shall change.