
We have referred tens of papers, hundreds of books and thousands of websites, but here we shall be listing only the best of the best references as of our opinion.

Free Puzzles
Cut the Knot
Wu's Riddles
Wolfram Articles

Higher Algebra - H S Hall & S R Knight
Higher Algebra - S Barnard & J M Child
Thomas' Calculus - George B Thomas, Maurice D Weir, Joel Hass & Frank R Giordano
Plane Trigonometry - S L Loney
Co-ordinate Geometry - S L Loney
Calculus in One Variable - I A Maron
Encyclopedia of Mathematics - Eric Weisstein
Elementary Linear Algebra - Howard Anton
How to Solve It - George Polya
One Two Three ... Infinity - George Gamow
Real Life Math

Puzzles to Puzzle You - Shakuntala Devi
Objective Arithmetic - R S Aggarwal
Brain Teasers - Ravi Narula
A Mathematical Mosaic: Patterns & Problem Solving - Ravi Vakil
Amusements in Mathematics - Henry Ernest Dudeney

Let us C - Yashavant Kanetkar
Programming in ANSI C - E Balagurusamy
OOP with ANSI C++ - E Balagurusamy
The C Programming Language - Brian W Kernighan and Dennis M Ritchie

Data Structures
Systematic Approach to Data Structures using C - Padma Reddy

Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms - Anany Levitin
Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms - Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni & Sanguthevar Rajasekaran
The Art of Computer Programming vol 1, Fundamental Algorithms - Donald E Knuth
The Art of Computer Programming vol 2, Seminumerical Algorithms - Donald E Knuth
The Art of Computer Programming vol 3, Sorting and Searching - Donald E Knuth