Linked List

A Linked List is a collection of items which are accessible one after another and are connected by links.

1) Store files
The Singly Linked List can be used to store files. Consider the following case. We like to store a file of size 1 MB. It may not be possible to get a contiguous 1 MB memory. So the file will be stored in blocks of say 64 KB, in different locations and there may be links from one block to the other.
NOTE: Generally the array of pointers are used for storing files and knowing the exact locations of the blocks. Each element in the array contains the address of a particular block. The address of the next element in the array points to the next block.
2) Store very large numbers
Singly Linked Lists are used to store very large numbers. Consider we would like to use numbers of the order of 3000+ digits for a particular problem. We cannot store or use very large numbers using the data types provided by the programming languages. So here we can use singly linked list to add, subtract, multiply, divide and perform many other functions on these very large numbers.