Cells and Prisoners

Thousands of years ago, a king called Samudragupta ruled the lands of Saurashtra. He was called the king of oceans as it was almost impossible for anyone to capture his lands through the battles on seas. Once a great king from Greece, Philip II used the sea routes to capture Samudragupta. Fortunately or unfortunately Samudragupta captured Philip II and his 788 powerful army. Each captive was put into a cell starting from cell number 1. The prisoners were provided sufficient food, air and water but they had to live in dark rooms. A prisoner's number was his cell number. Philip II was in cell number 173.

On the eve of the king Samudragupta's birthday, he decided to free some of the prisoners according to a plan. Initially all the prisoners were taken out of their respective cells. The doors of all the cells were closed. According to the plan:
Prisoner 1 has to open the doors of all the cells.
Prisoner 2 has to close the doors of the cells 2, 4, 6, ...
Prisoner 3 has to visit the cells 3, 6, 9, ...
If the doors are open, he has to close.
If the doors are closed, he has to open.
Similarly, continuing we have
Prisoner i has to visit all the cells i, 2i, 3i, ...
If the doors are open, he has to close.
If the doors are closed, he has to open.
This will be continued till the last captive.
At last, the prisoners of the cells whose doors were open would be released.

The queen was very eager to know how many prisoners shall be released and whether the captured king himself be released or not. Do you have the answer for the queen's questions before the plan could be executed?

Hint 1

Simplify the problem. Consider only a few cells and check whether you can solve or not.

Hint 2

Consider 11 cells and construct a table of cells and prisoners and analyze.


Prisoners whose numbers are perfect squares in the range [1, 789] would not be released, a total of 27 people. The king Philip II would not be released.


The general rule for attacking any problem is that the problem should be simplified as much as possible. Initially consider that there are only 11 cells. Also any possible information can be organized and analyzed when it is represented as pictures, graphs, tables etc... So we draw a table consisting of cells and prisoners. There can be two states for a cell, 'open' or 'close'. From the table we can know which prisoner has changed the state of which cell.

CellsCell 01Cell 02Cell 03Cell 04Cell 05Cell 06Cell 07Cell 08Cell 09Cell 10Cell 11
Prisoner 1OpenOpenOpenOpenOpenOpenOpenOpenOpenOpenOpen
Prisoner 2OpenCloseOpenCloseOpenCloseOpenCloseOpenCloseOpen
Prisoner 3OpenCloseCloseCloseOpenOpenOpenCloseCloseCloseOpen
Prisoner 4OpenCloseCloseOpenOpenOpenOpenOpenCloseCloseOpen
Prisoner 5OpenCloseCloseOpenCloseOpenOpenOpenCloseOpenOpen
Prisoner 6OpenCloseCloseOpenCloseCloseOpenOpenCloseOpenOpen
Prisoner 7OpenCloseCloseOpenCloseCloseCloseOpenCloseOpenOpen
Prisoner 8OpenCloseCloseOpenCloseCloseCloseCloseCloseOpenOpen
Prisoner 9OpenCloseCloseOpenCloseCloseCloseCloseOpenOpenOpen
Prisoner 10OpenCloseCloseOpenCloseCloseCloseCloseOpenCloseOpen
Prisoner 11OpenCloseCloseOpenCloseCloseCloseCloseOpenCloseClose

Consider the king's plan as a process. When the process completes, only three cells are open which is clear from the last row. They are 1, 4 and 9. If we go through the sequence the first thing which comes to our mind is that all these numbers are perfect squares less than 11. Consider that there are only 8 cells. The cells which would be open at the end of the process are 1 and 4. Here is the list of the cells which would be open after the process is completed.

Number of cellsThe cells which would be open
4{1, 4}
5{1, 4}
6{1, 4}
7{1, 4}
8{1, 4}
9{1, 4, 9}
10{1, 4, 9}
11{1, 4, 9}

From the above table we can predict the cells which would be open for 789 cells and for n cells:

Number of cellsThe cells which would be open
789Perfect squares in [1, 789]
nPerfect squares in [1, n]

Perfect squares in [1, 789] = {1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256, 289, 324, 381, 400, 441, 529, 576, 625, 676, 789}. Totally there are 27 numbers.

Is there any solid proof to show that only cells of perfect square numbers will be open? Yes.
Initially all cells are closed. It is clear from the problem that the state of a cell i is changed only by the prisoners whose numbers are the factors of i. If there are even number of factors for i, then the final state of the cell is 'close'. If there are odd number of factors for i, the final state of the cell is 'open'.

Number of factorsFinal state of the cell

There is one interesting fact in Mathematics. The number of factors for a non-perfect square is even and the number of factors for a perfect square is odd. Try to prove this fact. The whole problem is an application of this seemingly incorrect and unheard fact.

iNumber of factors
Non-perfect squareEven
Perfect squareOdd

Therefore the final state of any particular cell can be determined by

iFinal State of the cell
Non-perfect squareClose
Perfect squareOpen

Example 1:
Consider cell 12. The cell is initially closed. The factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12. The state of the cell is changed by the prisoners whose numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12. As the number of factors of 12 is even, the final state of cell number 12 is 'close'.
Example 2:
Consider cell 16. The cell is initially closed. The factors of 16 are 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16. The state of the cell is changed by the prisoners whose numbers are 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16. As the number of factors of 16 is odd, the final state of cell number 16 is 'open'.

iiFactorsNumber of factorsFinal state of the cell
Non-perfect square12{1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12}EvenClose
Perfect square16{1, 2, 4, 8, 16}OddOpen

From the above discussions we have seen that prisoners whose numbers are perfect squares in the range [1, 789] were released which constitutes a total of 27 people. As the king Philip II's number was 173, he was not released. May be the king Samudragupta wanted not to release Philip II. So he made this plan. This answers all the questions of the queen.

On generalizing, if there are n cells, the cells which will be open when the plan is completed are the perfect square numbers in the range [1, n].

In the problem, all the prisoners get a chance to change the state of one or more cells. Let us modify the question a bit. Consider there are n cells and only the first root(n) prisoners are allowed to change the state of the cells and not others. Ex: For 100 cells, only the first 10 prisoners can change the state. For 77 cells, only the first 8 prisoners can change the state. Now find the number of cells which are open when the process completes.

The solution for the problem goes this way. For every cell i, where i E [1, n], the final state is shown. Let f be the number of factors of i.

iNum of factorsNum of prisoners who change stateFinal state
Non-perfect squaref = even
(f/2) = even
(f/2) = odd
Perfect squaref = odd
((f+1)/2) = even
((f+1)/2) = odd

It is an assignment to you to find the formula for the number of factors of a natural number and to prove whatever given in the above table is right.