An Insect and Its Destiny

A very small insect starts from one end of a long rope and heads towards the other end. It covers 1 meter in the first hour, 0.5 meter in the second hour, 0.25 meter in the third hour and so on. In each hour, the insect covers half the distance covered in the previous hour. Little Bhaavana has the following questions…
i) What time is required to cover 1.95 m?
ii) What time is required to cover 2 m?
iii) What time is required to cover 2.05 m?

All the above questions are very easy to answer. Bhaavana has one more question for which your think is required and the question goes this way…
iv) Is the answer for the second and the third questions same or different?

Bhaavana thinks that the answers for the second and the third questions are different. What do you think?